LinkedIn Talent Solutions Integration Updates

JobScore is a proud Gold LinkedIn Talent Solutions integration partner.  When you share feedback, we pass it on to LinkedIn.  We’re happy to report some of your feedback was addressed, and changes are now live:

You said: LinkedIn wasn’t matching JobScore candidates with LinkedIn profiles as often as it should.

LinkedIn now uses more information from JobScore candidate records to make matches, including LinkedIn profile URLs, the most recent employer, and the most recent job title.  This means you won’t manually connect records by looking up records as frequently.

You said: We want to use LinkedIn Apply Connect on all our jobs.

Apply Connect now works on all of your jobs because LinkedIn added support for click-through agreements and OFCCP questionnaires.

You said: We’d like to have additional information on candidates exported from LinkedIn Recruiter to JobScore.

Subject to LinkedIn member settings, exported candidate records now include the candidates’ two most recent employers & job titles, as well as their education history.

You said: We want to see a list of recommendations for each job instead of reviewing them one by one.

The recommendations widget now shows 25 candidates at a time.

Please let us know in our ideas forum if you have any thoughts on how LinkedIn’s Talent Solutions integrations could be even better.

Happy Hiring!