Interviewing Best Practices to Modernize Your Approach in 2024

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interviewing best practices
Modern interviewing best practices

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    The hiring landscape is evolving quickly. What worked five or even two years ago may not cut it today.

    You need to ensure that your interviews are as efficient as possible without sacrificing the candidate experience. The key to success? A modern, flexible approach to interviewing that reflects today’s job market and candidate expectations.

    Here are 15 interviewing best practices to modernize your interview process, make it more candidate-friendly, and ultimately lead to better hiring outcomes.


    Prioritize the candidate experience

    One in four North American job seekers (26%) have had such a great candidate experience that they’d apply again, refer others, have brand alliance, and make purchases from the company. Further, companies with positive candidate experiences are 3x more likely to improve employee retention, 2x more likely to improve employee performance, and 2x more likely to improve NPS.

    It’s no surprise that 48% of employers are prioritizing the candidate experience.

    Some ways to improve your own candidate experience include: 

    • Training your interviewers

    • Creating a welcoming interview environment

    • Giving your candidates time to ask their own questions


    Offer transparency

    Transparency is crucial in building trust with candidates and improving their overall experience. Candidates want to understand what to expect from your company throughout the interview process—and once they get hired.

    The majority of job seekers are interested in salary information (74%) and benefits (70%). Other areas of interest include employee happiness (58%), workload (38%), interview process (28%), and demographics (24%). Providing this information upfront helps candidates self-select so you don’t waste their time—or yours—if expectations aren’t aligned.


    Embrace flexible interview scheduling

    Today’s candidates often juggle multiple job interviews and personal commitments, so being flexible with scheduling can make your company stand out.

    For example, offering different interview formats, providing alternative time slots, and accommodating different time zones can simplify interview scheduling for candidates. A candidate may not be able to schedule an in-person interview in the middle of their workday, but could perhaps accommodate a quick video call or meet you after regular work hours.


    Build an inclusive interview experience

    One in three candidates have experienced bias in the interview process. This contributes to a sense that they don’t belong, and may lead candidates to drop out of your interview process.

    Build an inclusive interview experience to ensure candidates from all backgrounds feel valued and respected. This includes using diverse interview panels, offering accommodations, and providing interviewers with unconscious bias training.

    An inclusive interview process fosters diversity, leading to better decision-making and innovation within your team. In 2024, candidates increasingly value diversity and inclusion, and companies that prioritize this will stand out as employers of choice.


    Use structured interviews for consistency

    Structured interviews are key for a fair, efficient interview process. This approach involves asking each candidate the same set of questions in the same order and scoring their responses using a predetermined rubric.

    Structured interviews make it easier to compare candidates’ answers side by side, helping to reduce bias by ensuring that all candidates are evaluated equally. Research has also found that companies using structured interviews are more likely to improve candidate experiences, efficiency, and quality of hire.


    Foster two-way conversations

    Remember, interviews are a two-way street. Candidates are evaluating you as much as you’re evaluating them. Encourage a conversational tone rather than making the interview feel like an interrogation. This approach puts candidates at ease and fosters a more authentic dialogue.

    Set aside time at the end of the interview for candidates to ask their own questions. This gives you insight into what matters to them and ensures that their concerns are addressed.


    Improve employee performance

    Forty percent (40%) of candidates have waited more than two weeks to hear from an employer after their first interview, and 52% of companies state that the interview process lasts four to six weeks. Companies know this is a problem, listing a long interview process as their top challenge with interviewing.

    A lengthy interview process puts you at risk of losing candidates: The top two reasons North American candidates withdraw from the recruiting process are because their time was disrespected and the process took too long.

    Make an effort to speed up your hiring process, whether that means reducing the number of interviews, making decisions faster, or both. This can help you hire your top-choice candidate, as 61% of candidates have taken a job with the first company that offered them a position. 


    Provide frequent, thoughtful communication

    Poor communication is one of candidates’ biggest complaints during the recruitment process—and for good reason. Most candidates (65%) haven’t received consistent communication through the recruitment process.

    Open and timely communication is essential to keeping candidates engaged throughout the interview process. With long gaps in communication, candidates may lose interest or accept offers from other companies. Regular updates, even if there’s no major news, keep candidates informed and show that you respect their time.

    This is just as important for candidates who aren’t a good fit. Most candidates (83%) want to know as soon as possible when they’re no longer being considered for a job—and they’d like to know why. Most (70%) said that receiving a clear reason for why they weren’t selected would leave them with a positive impression of the company. 


    Leverage the right technology

    Technology plays a pivotal role in streamlining the interview process, reducing administrative burdens, and improving candidate experience. Tools like applicant tracking systems (ATS), video interviewing platforms, and AI-powered assessments allow for a smoother, more efficient interview process while enabling remote interviewing and bias reduction. Leveraging the right tech can also shorten your hiring timeline, ensuring you don’t miss out on top talent.

    Invest in recruiting software that enables your team to do their best work. Streamline and automate routine tasks like candidate communications to ensure they’re done consistently and to allow you to focus on more strategic work.


    Measure and iterate on your interview process

    A “set-it-and-forget-it” approach won’t work in 2024. It’s essential to continually evaluate your interview process and make data-driven improvements over time.

    Survey candidates after interviews to gather feedback on their experience. Combine this data with hiring metrics like time-to-hire, offer acceptance rates, and new hire performance to adjust your process and make it more efficient.

    Final thoughts on modern interviewing best practices

    Interviewing is both an art and a science, and there’s always room for improvement. As the job market and candidate expectations evolve, so too should your interview process. By adopting these modern interviewing best practices, you’ll not only improve your hiring efficiency but also create a more positive experience for your candidates.

    Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Keep testing new approaches, gathering feedback, and fine-tuning your interviews to find what works best for your company. Whether you’re implementing structured interviews, increasing transparency, or eliminating interview stages, continuous improvement will set your hiring process apart and help you attract skilled talent.

    Want to learn how JobScore can help you elevate your interview process?